
Benefits of Solar Video


To be eligible to participate in the SNAP program, a project must be 25 kW or less

Contact our 新建筑 Department at (907) 458-5870 or 电子邮件发出咔嚓声 有问题吗?

The following documents outline the SNAP connection process:


Thank You to All Our 快速的支持者!

  • Northern Alaska Environmental Center
  • Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
  • Denali Education Center
  • Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
  • 莫理电
  • Buffalo Center Drive-In
  • Cold Climate Housing Research
  • 阿拉斯加设计公司.
  • Fairbanks 社区 Food Bank
  • Dreamworks Cabinetry, LLC
  • 香农 & 威尔逊公司.
  • National Park Service
  • Panguingue Creek Homeowners
  • Pikes Waterfront Lodge

将太阳能? 接触GVEA

SNAP Steps to Solar Commissioning

第一阶段,第二阶段, & 5 – Applicants responsibility; ensure all documents are included in the submission.

阶段3,4,6, & 7 – GVEA responsibility; typical review time for a standard design with no errors is 5 days.

* Incomplete, incorrect, or non-standard designs can cause delays.

** If system fails inspection, the member must make required changes before requesting another inspection.

GVEA’s SNAP Program

Sustainable Natural Alternative Power


You use more electricity than you produce. Your SNAP + kWh is subtracted from the kWh you use and you are charged the standard rate plus the customer charge of $22.50. You use exactly the same amount of electricity that you produce. You would owe only the customer charge. You produce more electricity than you use. You make the SNAP+ overproduction rate on any extra kWh that you produce. This is used to pay the Customer Charge and if there is a surplus, it is placed on your account as a credit.


Your account has a credit. At the end of the SNAP year (April to March) you will receive a check for the extra kWhs that you produced.

